Mile Stone Project 1Stacked Slice: Progress

I started this week by branching off of the in-class demonstrations. I enjoyed the loft demo and sweep demo the most so I decided to continue to work on those. I created to forms from those class demos that I then used with the contour parameter to produce the two works below

( I struggled with the extrusion on this one but was able to get the contour lines, I think it is an issue with the geometry that I created in Rhino. I am still working to fix this issue with planar surface, etc. )

After creating these two forms that were direct interpretations of the class demo's I decided to explore what I could create using the techniques learned in the demo's The first is a bowl like structure where I used loft to control the inner depth. The second is a squared statue like structure that I created in Rhino, and applied the contour slicing to.

( I think if I continue with this square option I want to explore using different vectors to change the direction of the contours to create a more interesting form.)

While I did not mind the two above options I felt that they were a little safe for this project, I really enjoyed what I learned when creating the bowl structure and decided I wanted to try and create a structure where I could control both the inner depth, size, and direction. I decided to use a multidimension slider to control the placement of the divot onto a sphere. I was the able to place another smaller sphere according to the slider placement. I used the small sphere to "cut" the hole in the main sphere. (for this I used lines, dispatch, and different math parameters) In the end I had a "squished" ball like object. When doing the contour I decided to explore all three vectors which you can see below, I am not sure which is my favorite. 
(using unit X vector)

(using unit Y vector)

(using unit Z vector)

Going forward I will pick which of my objects I want to laser cut, right now I am leaning either towards the bowl or one of the sphere options. For both I think I will refine the contour lines before printing to make a "smoother" form for laser cutting. 


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