Replicated/Remediated Object: Progress 1

To start this project I looked at various artist for inspiration. I looked towards one of my favorite sources of inspiration Rachel Boxnboin. I usual reach for examples of her work as I appreciate her se of texture and colour in her work. I originally discovered and fell in love with this artist for her practice of creating household forms with ceramics through fabric moulds, which I think is highly innovative and offers a unique sense of movement to her work. 

 Rachel Boxnboin

Other artists I looked at was Brooks Olivers use of flowing forms, Ikuko Iwamoto's undulating and rhythmic vases, and Kieu Tran's abstract line-like sculptures that often resemble human forms. 

 Brooks Oliver
 Ikuko Iwamoto
Kieu Tran 

For my own creation I developed forms based off of various levels of influence from each of these artists, as well as mu own preferences. The majority of my ideas use very fluid forms and paths. Below is a complete over-view of the ideation phase in Rhino/Grasshopper from the last week. I have also included closer photos of each of the rows of designs. 

After reflecting on what I created I felt drawn to the row of pipe like structure, particularly the second and third option. I decided to develop the red pipe form into the parameters of the projects and produced these 6 views of the form. For the purpose of this project I have rotated my form to be vertical to fit within the available space parameter. However, the final form would sit horizontally shown in view 6 with one end of the tube running parallel on a flat surface and the other facing vertically. 
 View 1 top 

 View 2 Top 

View 3 Bottom 

View 4 Side 1

View 5 Birds-eye

 View 6 Side 2

 View 7 

While I really love this form, I am not sure if it fits within the parameters and limitation of the projects medium. I will try and develop and manipulate the form if necessary to fit within the limitations of the project, however I have selected two back-up forms just in-case this form does not work for this project. These are my two back-up ideas. 

My first back-up idea is this nut and bolt rotating tube form. This idea seems like the most realistic option for the project, yet I do not feel as strong about it as my first option or other back-up. 

This is my second back-up option. 
[Update] February 27 8:18am
After reflecting and thinking further about the process we would be using to create these object I have decided to change which of my selected choices I will move ahead with. I have switched towards using one of my back-up options, likely the tall curved form, as it better fits the parameters and limitations f the project. While I still really enjoy my initial idea, I realized that if I were to split it in half for mould and casting purposes I would need two separate shapes printed to create the mould, as the object is not mirrored on both sides. For the purposes of the project I have switched my intentions, but I think I would like to further refine the new object I am using to create a more interesting figure. 


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