
Showing posts from February, 2023

Replicated/Remediated Object: Progress 1

To start this project I looked at various artist for inspiration. I looked towards one of my favorite sources of inspiration Rachel Boxnboin. I usual reach for examples of her work as I appreciate her se of texture and colour in her work. I originally discovered and fell in love with this artist for her practice of creating household forms with ceramics through fabric moulds, which I think is highly innovative and offers a unique sense of movement to her work.   Rachel Boxnboin Other artists I looked at was Brooks Olivers use of flowing forms, Ikuko Iwamoto's undulating and rhythmic vases, and Kieu Tran's abstract line-like sculptures that often resemble human forms.    Brooks Oliver   Ikuko Iwamoto Kieu Tran  For my own creation I developed forms based off of various levels of influence from each of these artists, as well as mu own preferences. The majority of my ideas use very fluid forms and paths. Below is a complete over-view of the ideation phase in Rhino/Grasshopper from

Algorithmic Surface Modelling and Animation

                                                  After completing the reading for this week I had a much better understanding of paneling and the in-class tutorials from this week. For my first attempt I wanted to panel a star shape across the lofted form I created for my first definition assignment. However this created numerous challenges and would not panel the shape. After a while of trying to fix this issue, I decided to take a new route.   (yeah I have no idea what happened here)  I decided to try a simpler option and opted for a dome shape with squiggly blue lines over top. This option turned out much better and I was able to animate it. I still thought I could go further as this was very basic.  In the end I ended up with a star shape that conformed to a sphere. For the animation aspect I rotated the paneled shape and the sphere. I wanted to have the sphere size change as it rotated however, this caused issues with the rotation, or minimized the illusion of rotation. In the en

Mile Stone Project 1: Stacked Slice

 This week I focused on laser cutting my sliced stack model. I chose to use wood for my model instead of an alternative such as acrylic because I enjoy the texture. During the 210 laser cut pattern project I found that I enjoyed the wood grain texture, and dark scorch marks from the laser.  Left side  Front View  Top View  Right Side  I really like how my final stacked sliced model came out. I like the stepped or stair-like curves in the model. I think if I were to improve this model in any way I might try and make my overall form more round as the laser cut model became more oblong ( I think this is an issue with the depth of my material in my algorithm) In the future I would also like to experiment with different axis of slicing, and potentially painting the layers to create an ombre, or colour shifting effect.