
Showing posts from January, 2023

Mile Stone Project 1Stacked Slice: Progress

I started this week by branching off of the in-class demonstrations. I enjoyed the loft demo and sweep demo the most so I decided to continue to work on those. I created to forms from those class demos that I then used with the contour parameter to produce the two works below   ( I struggled with the extrusion on this one but was able to get the contour lines, I think it is an issue with the geometry that I created in Rhino. I am still working to fix this issue with planar surface, etc. ) After creating these two forms that were direct interpretations of the class demo's I decided to explore what I could create using the techniques learned in the demo's The first is a bowl like structure where I used loft to control the inner depth. The second is a squared statue like structure that I created in Rhino, and applied the contour slicing to. ( I think if I continue with this square option I want to explore using different vectors to change the direction of the contours to create a

OBDF 310: Animation Struggles and Triumphs.

 This weekly assignment was a doozy. I knew what I wanted to create this week for my animation assignment, however upon opening grasshopper I realized I had no idea how to accomplish this, or how to word what I wanted to create. I spent lots of time this week exploring the various sections of parameters to find what I needed. For my animation I wanted to use the 3D populate parameter to create a cube where the inner forms would change.  After lots of exploring in grasshopper, and numerous google searches I discovered I needed to use a Voronoi parameter to create my desired pattern. After I found this parameter and used it alongside my box and 3D populate parameter, it just became a project of understanding what inputs I needed to have control over the cell-like shapes. My final algorithmic sequence looked like this.  The purple group is where I started my design, I used a box parameter to fulfil the boundary of my Voronoi. I also connected the box to the region input of the 3D populate

OBDF 310: My First Defintion!

 Back at it again with Rhino, but this time with the addition of grasshopper! After these first few tutorials and exploring grasshopper I can tell that there is going to be a steep learning curve, but I am so excited to work with grasshopper. The tutorials were super engaging and definitely made me want to explore other tools in the program. I think my biggest wow moment with grasshopper so far as been how quickly  you can change the appearance of geometry or replace the logic of an entire section. I found most of the tutorials easy to follow and learned lots about how the interface works and how t find tools and understand data. The only area that I had issues with was the assigning colours. My definition that I made while following the tutorials did not show the gradient through the curves, rather they were all the same colour, so I will continue to look at that and see where I went wrong.  Tutorial Screenshots  Screenshot of most of the created parameters  Screenshot of tutorial 1 a