Reverse Engineered Object selection

Reverse Engineered Object: Object Selection
For this week we were tasked with selecting an object to create through reverse engineering it in Rhino. I definitely had a hard time finding objects this week that were easy to dissect as well as complex enough for the project. When looking for object I struggled with finding dissectible object many things I found did not want to come a part or would require much more force to open them. I first thought of my bike helmet but realized quickly that while it has moving parts in the visor and vents the inside is mostly layers of foam making it not the best object for this project. Some of the other early object I had to avoid were mouses, tools, pencil sharpeners, staple removers, and other office supplies. While these objects appeared that they would work for the project I found them hard to dissect or not complex enough for the project.  Eventually I did start to find some solutions. I found that object which require human interaction to move and operate were good solutions for this project. Staplers, scissors, as well as exact-o knifes were top runners. Other options I found were more tech based. I noticed as I working on other school work that the keyboard I use could prove to be an effective solution as well. While household appliance are very mechanical based, many are too complex to complete in the time frame, I did however find that the tiny table size fan I own is easy to take a part and had multiple moving parts. 

My top three solutions for my reversed engineered object are currently a stapler, a key board or an exact-o knife. 

I am still not 100% sure which object is the best route to take but I am leaning towards either the keyboard or the exact-o knife. While the keyboard has lots of keys it is only really made up of internal hardware, switches, keys, and the base. I am unsure on the complexity as well as dissecting this object, but feel that the challenge could prove beneficial to my development. The exact-o knife has larger parts that would be easier to complete aside from the shell, however I am concerned that this object many not be complex enough. 

Update Tuesday October 18,
After some further thinking and continuing to looking for dissectible object I also found that a tape measure, or corkscrew would also be viable options. After adding these two options I think my top choice are the stapler, the corkscrew, or the exacto-knife. I like the tape measure, however I feel like dissecting it might be painful, as well as creating the inner tape. 


  1. I highly recommend either the stapler, the scissors, boxcutter, or fan!


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