
OBDF 310 Milestones

This class has been my favorite class this semester, and offered a nice hands-on project experience that I usually do not get to enjoy in my usual graphic design and advertising courses. I was fairly comfortable with Rhino going into this class as I had just completed OBDF210 last semester, but found the addition of Grasshopper both challenging and exciting. Grasshopper has really opened my mind and spurred my creativity towards what I can create in these programs. Since the school does not offer a 400 level OBDF course I plan on investing my own time over the summer and next year to further my understanding and artistic practice using the software.  My First Definition This was one of my first times using Grasshopper and while I was initially a little scared to learn a new program, I am so happy I did. After completing this assignment I quickly understood the possibilities  Grasshopper open to working in 3D space. I am still very proud of what I created for my first definition, and th

Replicated/Remediated Object: Progress 2

3D Print  This week most of my efforts for this project focused on getting my object ready to print and printing both the full and half variations to make my mould out of. I first started in Rhino by making sure by design would fit within the 90mmx90mmx180mm box with an offset. After I added a spout to the top of my object. I then boolean split and boolean differenced by object inside the box space to make sure that there would be no issues when creating the mould.  After this I created solid forms of both the entire object and halved version. I then went into slicer to get ready to 3D print my objects as hollow forms.  I decided to take video of my projects printing and added some photos of both the final printed objects before parting with them and leaving them at the school.  Laser cut  Alongside 3D printing my final form to make my mould I also prepped by file to laser cut a match plate for my form. I am very excited for next week and getting to learn and do some slip casting!

Replicated/Remediated Object: Progress 1

To start this project I looked at various artist for inspiration. I looked towards one of my favorite sources of inspiration Rachel Boxnboin. I usual reach for examples of her work as I appreciate her se of texture and colour in her work. I originally discovered and fell in love with this artist for her practice of creating household forms with ceramics through fabric moulds, which I think is highly innovative and offers a unique sense of movement to her work.   Rachel Boxnboin Other artists I looked at was Brooks Olivers use of flowing forms, Ikuko Iwamoto's undulating and rhythmic vases, and Kieu Tran's abstract line-like sculptures that often resemble human forms.    Brooks Oliver   Ikuko Iwamoto Kieu Tran  For my own creation I developed forms based off of various levels of influence from each of these artists, as well as mu own preferences. The majority of my ideas use very fluid forms and paths. Below is a complete over-view of the ideation phase in Rhino/Grasshopper from